Centric Health RSA Building Dundrum image 2 drone view
Our mission

Committed to your health and wellbeing

We strive to keep people healthy in their own community through a range of innovative and accessible local healthcare services, putting the patient’s welfare and care at the heart of everything we do.
Maurice Cox, CEO
“We put you, our patient, first and design our services around you using best medical practice, delivered to you with kindness and humility.”

Dr Maurice Cox, CEO


The evolution of the company


Founded as Spectrum Mental Health.

Spectrum Mental Health Logo


Joined Centric Health.

Centric Health Logo


Became Centric Mental Health.

Centric Mental Health Logo
Contact us

Get in touch with Centric Mental Health

Reach out to us through the phone, or fill out the form and we will contact you as soon as possible

01 611 1719 [email protected]