Centric Mental Health Online Booking

Dear Patient,
To serve you better we are rolling out a number of online services including booking of GP consultations, blood test and other services over the course of the year and beyond.
If your are reading this you may have received an email or SMS inviting you to get set up on our new "Centric Online" web application.
This is because we require your permission to support booking and management of your appointments online.
Please rest assured that we treat your data with the utmost care and that the information provided is used solely to identify that you are indeed one of our patients, to facilitate your ability to book and update appointments and our receiving your consent to contact you about your appointments.
To start this process please click the "Setup Online" button below.
Note that registration is only available to pre-existing patients of our practices and we manually verify all applications.
Yours in health,
Centric Health Innovation Team.